16 Wisdom of God Bible Quotes 1

We focus on Wisdom of God Bible Quotes with a short commentary against every bible reference.

Shun Evil Counsel Proverbs 1:8-19 

Warning against the invitation of sinful men. There are several lessons for sons (sons are synonymous with daughters):

On the command to listen:  In your mind's ear, listen to what you have learned at home as opposed to the world, peers, workmates, and friends

Bible Proverbs practical applications


What you have learned protects your thinking and your life; these are garlands and necklaces to safeguard you in a world full of evil and evil-doers.

The temptation of the peer group: 

They attract you with easy money, gained unrighteously. It could be a gang where blood is spilt or a bank where schemes are hatched to defraud investors. Understand what it means to be righteous, and once you do, you will perceive unrighteousness when you see it, the examples are numerous, but the aim is always self-aggrandizement at any cost.

God will hold the unrighteous accountable; they have set a trap for themselves. Note that despite unrighteousness, there must also be justice in the end, for God will not allow evil doers to get away with it. Justice can happen in this life or after it; what we must trust is that it does happen.

d) The simple Proverbs 1:20-33 

The simple is Uncommitted, Open minded, and lacking any foundation. If you do not make a commitment to aspiring to wisdom, you will not understand the writings in this book. Understand this book is a rare gift, given by God, through the spirit to those who have made a commitment. One’s worldview completely changes as one inculcates and understands more.

The moral benefits of wisdom

The Value of Wisdom Proverbs 2:1-22

Verses 1 to 11

Deals with the production of Godly character; to know God and thus the fear of God.

We have to accept the proverbs for what they are, Godly wisdom. The things of God appear foolish but are discerned through the spirit. You must experience God in living a life of faith (a prayer to have your expectations fulfilled, as best decided by the Lord).

In my personal experience, I have found that exposing oneself to God's word daily makes a significant difference. Am catholic, so I generally use the daily mass readings and ponder on them throughout the day. They just take 5 min to read. You need not be Catholic; God's word is God’s word, regardless of denomination. Try them here DAILY MASS READINGS

Ivanov- Christ cleanses the temple, John 2:13-22

Ivanov- Christ cleanses the temple, John 2:13-22

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Verses 12 to 22

The purpose of a Godly character, namely to identify and thus safeguard one against wicked people. The more you expose yourself to what is holy, through reading, the more discerning you are with what is wrong and evil.

I’ll give you an example. I used to admire the violence in organized crime movies, only to become disgusted at their love and lust for money and violence. I thought that movies like “Wall Street” were the ultimate in what makes a fulfilling life, only to hate them for their selfishness and deifying money. My thinking changed and am the better for it. Life is not about what is terrestrial but what is spiritual.

Tissot- He wept, John 11:25-45

Tissot- He wept, John 11:25-45

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 Verses 1-4

Conditions: Namely one’s personal inclination towards listening to God's word 

One must store up knowledge. This is by constant study and exposition. It is one thing to be knowledgeable, it is entirely another to live by the same. The magi and the scribes were both knowledgeable, however, it is the magi that sought the birthplace of Christ. They lived for the spirit of the teachings of wisdom, while the scribes were simply paying homage to the words. The study of Christ is one thing, to know him is entirely another.

There has to be an element of trust in what we learn. I personally have issues with some aspects of the bible, especially the old testament, however, in my limited experience we must be careful not to throw out the baby with the bathwater. 

The Bible aims at making men noble; am all supportive of anything that makes us better. The teachings of Christ, in my lay view, are beyond any teachings I have come across in wisdom and practical application. I have learned to trust them and by extension the whole bible.

Verses 5 Consequences: The positive consequences of listening to God's word

Christianity is an experiential religion. You don’t gain without practice. The little practice I have tried always brings me back for more because it works. If you doubt me, read Mathew 25:35-46. Many disciples and organizations, the church being at the forefront, have fashioned themselves on these verses; why not you, either directly or supporting the church and other such organizations?

 Verses 6-9 Theological Education 

One becomes grounded in a theological education which includes a fear of God, a Knowledge of God, and thus the wisdom to protect you. This is a reference to the theological virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Read up on them here THEOLOGICAL VIRTUES

 Verses 9-11 Ethical Education

The gaining of ethical education, namely what is just, right and fair. These are called the cardinal virtues, which include Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. Read up on them here  CARDINAL VIRTUES   

 Verses 12-14 

Describes the wicked and their ways. Once you know what is wicked, then you will understand what and who is evil

 Verses 13-15 

Apostates and their dark ways. These are those that followed what was right but have chosen to go a different way.

 Verses 16-22 

Safeguards against the wicked woman

On overcoming personal limitations Proverbs 30:24-28 

Proverbs is also about overcoming one’s personal limitations and living according to the spirit of wisdom; the following demonstrates this well; 

Agur a wise man mentions four weak creatures that seem to thrive despite their obvious limitations; The hyrax or rock badger, the house lizard, locusts, and ants (creatures with hardly any strength or intelligence). Proverbs is not about animals, but the world of men and where we hope to ascend to in the afterlife. So the analogy is about types of people, who can achieve much despite their limitations.

Hyrax- Live in crags on cliffs to avoid their natural prey, snakes, and eagles. Wisdom will naturally provide you protection if you accustom yourself to constant reading and thus being directed by it.

Ants- Despite their size organize themselves, storing in plenty for the winter. Wisdom is clear about the need to sow and reap. The straight analogy is sow in spring, reap in summer, and store for the winter. A wider analogy is that of youthfulness and old age. You sow when young and reap and store for old age and for your dependents. Planning is a part and parcel of wise living.

Locusts- Despite not having a leader, advance in ranks; they see the natural need for organization. While men act disparately, the character and actions of those who trust wisdom literature is similar, almost like an army with an invisible leader; in this case, the God who created us and has taught us to walk the straight and narrow.

Lizards- Their small size does not deny them the opportunity to live among royalty (or at least in abodes that are not of their own making). The high and mighty enjoy the company of those that are wise and thoughtful. The more one exposes himself to wisdom, the more likely that people will gravitate towards you. One must keep up a constant effort to absorb and understand wisdom literature.

The wisdom suggests that for as long as you stock up on God’s word, you will develop the necessary reserves to guide you through times of happiness and abundance, times of temptation, and times of tribulation and suffering. I have personally found this to be very true.

In hard times you find yourself reflecting on the teachings of Christ and the bible in general; there is always a lesson for every situation; thus preventing us from stumbling and losing hope. The teachings of proverbs emphasize our mortality and thus eventual reliance on Christ. Proverbs gives us the knowledge to live a supernatural life while still on earth.

 The Lord’s mouth does not betray justice Proverbs 16:10-15

The one who is behind justice is the Lord for he makes honest scales and balances and all the weights in his bag are of his making. The link is between the weights and balances of I AM, with the King administering justice according to accurate weights and balances.

God establishes his sovereign and moral rule through the King. We pray in the Lord’s prayer, that “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” The King's moral sensibilities and the source of his power, is from I AM. I AM being sovereign. He is above human plans and thoughts and we are to trust him and not ourselves. We are to trust him in both word and deed. He is moral and works out everything to its proper moral end.

The King has the power of life and death and he is realized in the person of Christ. We, his disciples have to be like him. Christians follow the ultimate nobility, and thus must imitate our KING! A King or any leader of men, whether elected or assumed differently, is there at the behest of I AM. If such a person’s leadership strays from the justice expected from a representative of I AM, then he ceases to have any moral authority over that leadership and should be challenged.

We continue in the next post


15 Characteristics of the fear of God

The Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and it connotes two things, firstly the fear of punishment and secondly a reverence that comes naturally towards one’s creator. 

In the old testament, and even today for practising Jews, the ten commandments are the pillar of Jewish life, expanded on in the Pentateuch, into things that Jews could or could not do. Righteousness and wickedness stem largely from the presence or absence of a fear of God. We give more definite definitions below, but this is the starting point, which cascades to all aspects of one's character.

Bible Proverbs practical applications

The ten commandments are catechetical (religious teaching by questions and answers, rather than law), as it does not come with punishments. Moses expanded on the commandments by giving finer detail of punishments in the Pentateuch. If you would be interested in a further exposition of the commandments as related to the Pentateuch, please click here for TEN COMMANDMENTS EXPOUNDED UPON.

Murillo Adoration of the magi , Matthew 2:1-12

Murillo- Adoration of the magi , Matthew 2:1-12

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For Christians this Fear comes from the teachings of Christ, and the various promises he makes for those that choose to follow him and those that fail to answer his call. In a nutshell, we show reverence and divine fear for our creator by following his commandments.

If you ignore what he commands, then it’s unlikely that you will inculcate what the proverbs teach. The starting point is divine fear and divine reverence, linked largely to how we perceive the afterlife, and if following a biblical perspective, where in the afterlife we would like to end up.

Imagine an all-seeing eye that follows your every action, utterance, and thought from birth to death and thereafter a judgment of every utterance, action, and thought. It is a realization that such a moment will come, that leads to divine reverence and fear. If all human beings would follow this line of thinking, I estimate that the world would be a very different place indeed; certainly better in every respect.

Proverbs were initially written for nobility, or if you prefer royalty, namely those that would naturally grow into positions of authority over the population. The covenant community would need just judges and rulers; frankly as would any community on the face of the earth.

While this book addresses the bible community, many of the proverbs were copied from other writings e.g Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, etc, and moulded for the Jewish worldview. In the former, the teaching was largely to administrators of the states or empires, while amongst the Israelites, the teaching was available to the whole community.

The covenant community is seeking holiness to set itself apart from the rest of the world and identify itself with God, and thus God-like qualities. In this regard, terms which we hear regularly take on certain meanings worth reflecting on.

This does not mean giving away your living and disadvantaging your family, loved ones, or dependents. It means acting with discernment while sacrificing what could easily be your advantage.

For example:

-         I choose to pay more than what we agreed, simply because I can

-         I overlook a slight even when I am both justified and have the wherewithal to hit back ferociously and effectively

-         To be humiliated even when I know I have the power to retaliate

In a sense, justice, a fear of God and wisdom, looks at the heart, where God can see the sacrifice and men cannot.

Wickedness: To disadvantage another for your own benefit

-     You can apply this to the more obvious sins like murder and adultery, but also to the less direct sins of encouraging people to vice for example adverts that lead to sins of the flesh e.g gluttony, drunkenness, covetousness, betting, etc. 

-     It also includes greed that is designed to amass at the expense of others, where there is absolutely no reason to do so, other than reckless competition for personal gain, even if it means destroying families and nations at large. It becomes an endless cycle of vicious greed and wickedness.

Why are we incapable of remembering that we are only here for a short while, and it is the growth of the spirit that matters most and not the satisfaction of our physical wants.

As you think about it, you begin to realize that there are many things we do for personal aggrandizement that are completely unnecessary and can be viewed as wicked in the divine realm, due to its effects on others. Is it worth risking the wrath of the divine realm?

The proverbs set boundaries in regard to how we live; whose company we keep and how we behave. To be blunt, a life of easy sex (no commitments), easy money (money with little or no work), and a lifestyle dedicated to the self are highly discouraged.

The book advocates for the development of the physical and spiritual self through hard work, commitment and love, and service to God and neighbour above self.

The proverbs are for the world uncommitted and open to anything. Modern teaching suggests that it's prejudicial to have an opinion or worldview; we should be open to everything and accepting of everyone. There are no absolute truths and everyone follows his or her own path, and a reasonable citizen of the world should be respectful of all opinions. This, based on the last two thousand years, is untrue.

The phenomenon called relativism is a relatively new concept in the modern age (the idea of no absolute truths), that has seen corruption in previously held values and systems, leading to a breakdown in modern-day societies where money and brawn have replaced intelligent thinking and proper analysis.

The abundance of sin in the world is due to this kind of thinking; there is no bulwark to sin and thus it simply cascades and permeates through society. The fear of God comes from on high and it only remains for as long as one serves God through fear and reverence and continuous study of his word. 

The second we stop any of the above activities, wisdom slowly starts to depart. The wisest man in the world (Solomon, son of David), and a significant contributor to the wisdom genre in the bible, died a fool due to departing from the ways of the Lord.

A material sluggard, namely one who takes his eye off the ball, becomes lazy, and not attending to his needs will become poor. The same for spiritual knowledge. You stop feeding it, and the way of the world, the flesh, and the devil will eventually overwhelm you; subtly at first, but it is systematic subtleness.

You must commit yourself to a side. If there is any tension between the world and Christ, Christ and the proverbs win every single time; this is what making a decision is about.

 The uncommitted, who sit on a fence are lukewarm, guided by senses and not heaven; as a consequence, they are flung around like rag dolls by the ruler of the earth, who prowls the earth roaring and looking for prey.

Fear of God and wisdom in Bible Proverbs is personified as a woman, shouting at the city gates trying to entice the simple, those that are uncommitted. They are addressed by woman wisdom and woman folly. This represents the tension between two world views; one spiritual and eternal, the other terrestrial and carnal.

The purpose of the book is to receive instruction in prudence, righteousness, justice, and equity; also known as the CARDINAL VIRTUES (CLICK FOR MORE).

Tissot The paralyzed man let down through the roof, Luke 5:17-33

   Tissot- The paralyzed man let down through the roof, Luke 5:17-33

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14. Wisdom of Solomon bible verse 7

This post follows from the previous one, the wisdom of Solomon bible verses on living successfully and provides a short commentary on each point for your reference.

Sayings of the wise

 On Pride Proverbs 21:4

What is pride? It is to imagine oneself as equal to your maker and disdaining those around you. Fool, how can a creature whose bowels start decaying from birth be proud? Humble yourself, and maybe wisdom will favour you. 

The devil and the antichrist
The devil and the antichrist

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 On the proud and violent Proverbs 21:5 -10

Truly, “hurry hurry has no blessings”. The soul is slow and steady, as life should be; not the immediate gratification culture of modern times. Take your time, the world will not change if you slow down. 

Greed in and of itself is a snare, combine it with lies and conmanship and you get thuggery, simply reaping where you have not sown. It is impossible to live in peace, for you will always look over your shoulder. Besides, wisdom will not allow you to flourish. 

Who is the violent? Those who ignore the beatitudes of humility and meekness and ride with impunity over everybody, see themselves as demigods. Another term for them is "the proud". Well, we all know the saying, “Pride comes before a mighty fall.” 

Christ carries his cross

Anton - Christ carries his cross

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How can a proud and wicked soul see the needs of his neighbour? How can he see what he cannot perceive? Pray to the Lord to keep pride at bay. Look at every person as God does, they are simply a reflection of you, dust and ashes. 

On scoffers and justice Proverbs 21:11-26

Better the simple, who when they fall learn, and slowly inch towards wisdom. The proud on the other hand persist in their foolishness arrogating the power of the most high to themselves. 

The poor are just as you are, human beings. How can you not empathize? 

Who does not enjoy a gift as a sign of appreciation? A bribe, however, aimed at perverting the course of justice, should be avoided, lest the sin of the injustice taint you. Do not stray from the love of God and neighbour. It is the way of the dead. 

As part of the seven deadly sins is gluttony. An excess love of wine and food (oil) is gluttony. Drunks and gluttons will not be rich, for their base desires will overtake their common sense. Tame your baseness, a human being is more than what he will eat. 

Pray to the Lord for a sensible spouse. Study their thinking, words, and actions before you make a leap of faith. The cover may be appealing, but the content may be dismal. Take your time and appeal to wisdom for guidance. 

Wisdom teaches us to save for a rainy day and for future generations. It is only a fool that consumes all that he has, in revelling. 

The sermon on Beatitudes

Tissot - The sermon on beatitudes

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The proud rely on Earthly qualities to assert themselves. Wealth, beauty, power, and so on. All these qualities eventually disappear, but wisdom does not. A wise man will understand this and will weave his way through them. 

By now we hopefully have a consensus in regards to speaking and listening as the starting point of obtaining wisdom. 

The righteous use the gifts given to them from on high as tools to bless those around them and obtain the approval of wisdom. It is not to be accumulated simply for hoarding; it must have an overall purpose beyond itself. 

 On the sacrifice of the wicked Proverbs 21:27-31

Wisdom sees into the deepest parts of your soul. How can you expect what is pure to approve ill intent? Approach wisdom with a flawless heart and with pure intentions. 

What we think, say, and do. One can attempt to hide one's character, but your true self is to listen to what you say and thereafter in what you do. Our Lord told the people not to do as the Pharisees did, but to listen to what they said. To understand the true character, see if there is congruence in what is said and done. 

Only the proud imagine themselves as masters of their destiny. The humble understand that there is a supernatural order to things, which we access through prayer and appeals to wisdom. How can flesh and bone imagine that they can thwart the aims of wisdom? Appeal to her for favour and may your speech and actions show reverence for her at all times. 

On who to trust Proverbs 25:1-5 

A wise mind is always inquisitive, appealing to wisdom to share her secrets. The powerful should be judicious in whom they trust. Wisdom should take centre stage as they choose their confidants. Gauge thoughts, speech, and actions carefully; let the measure of a man’s wisdom determine who has your ear.

On staying out of other people’s business Proverbs 25:6-10 

To the extent that it does not involve an injustice, stay out of people’s business, and don’t allow yourself to be drawn into something that does not relate to you.

Your use of discretion and respect for privacy creates confidence and trust and wins you, friends. Who will trust gossip? If there is tension with a neighbour (regardless of the situation; say workplace, social, an actual neighbour, and so on), go directly to them. A matter privately discussed is much simpler to resolve.

On persuasion Proverbs 25:11-15 

Who guides us to give the right word at the right time? It is wisdom. And those that appreciate a wise word, will be attentive even if it is a word of exhortation.

The parable of the persistent widow and the judge, suggests that we should never give up on prayer for as long as it is justified. It appears the same for a King and all human beings in general. Keep knocking gently and eventually, you will get a change of mind from a strong position against it. Gentleness is much more powerful than forceful speech or action.

Pharaoh's daughter finds Moses

Pharaoh's daughter finds Moses

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On moderation Proverbs 25:16-22

In all things approach with moderation. Be on an even keel, in both pleasure and pain. All things from our maker are good, but they lose goodness when overdone. 

Familiarity breeds contempt. To keep a friendship, respect each other at all times, valuing the privacy of the other. We all need time for ourselves, and time together, being social creatures.

Our Lord told us to pray for our enemies and help them in their time of need. It is against all our inclinations, but it rings very true in its nobility and difficulty.

On enduring Proverbs 25:23-26 

Why lose your righteousness to the scheming of the wicked? Why endure to the last moment, and then relent? Wisdom is always at your side, fighting the good fight for you. Do not relent, be the light of justice and salt of upright behaviour.

On being human Proverbs 25:27-28

Do not be led purely by your desires, you are not an animal but a human being created in the likeness of our maker. Make the practice of the cardinal virtues, a constant part of your life. They are Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, and Justice. Look them up and practice them constantly. As in all things, only practice makes perfect.


13 Wisdom of Solomon bible verse 6

This post follows from the previous one, the wisdom of Solomon bible verses on living successfully and provides a short commentary on each point for your reference.

Sayings of the wise

 On Alcohol Proverbs 20:1

 "Abstinence is the best form of moderation," said St Augustine. For very few, with self-control, it’s an occasional enjoyment. For many, however, it’s a snare that eventually controls their lives. St Augustine spoke from both experience and observation. In today’s society, that forces self-imposed exile, despite seas of people in cities, it becomes a crutch that slowly encroaches, first as enjoyment, then in quick progression into an addiction. It doesn’t help that the media portrays it as sophisticated and trendy behaviour. The problem with all forms of addiction is that common sense is thrown out of the window. Only the abuse of the substance matters. The behaviour becomes worse, and the more addictive the drug. If you can stop, then do and “bugger” the consequences. You do this for your peace. If not, then temperance is your only hope. In small quantities, always give yourself less than the body desires. This way, control will be achieved. It’s a herculean task, but start one day at a time. 

Susanna and the Elders

Susanna and the Elders

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On interacting with the wealthy Proverbs 20:2-3 

Be careful of the rich and powerful. Don’t ingratiate yourself thinking that you will be easily accepted. You are a mere pawn, they use and discard as they please. Learn to strive and become rich and powerful in your own right. A pawn caught in the anger of the prideful will only suffer their wrath. Lean on wisdom, and ask her to guide you quietly. Toil and get there on your own. They will have no power over you and fear you, for you don’t think like them and the right hand of wisdom will be by your side. In regards to the Cantankerous and wrathful, stay away from these, for they are driven by their pride and imagine themselves, as gods. 

Joseph interprets dreams

Joseph interprets dreams

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On working hard and character Proverbs 20:4-9

Work hard when you are young, for it is the reward of the work that you will reap in old age. Keep far away from the lazy. They will take advantage of your hard work when you reap and are of no assistance when you call on them for help. 

There is nothing that a man can truly hide. Character is a function of thought, speech, and action. I can’t see what you think, but it will manifest in speech and action. 

Make integrity a part of your character. Don’t vocalize it, simply let it manifest. A good name is representative of good character and is inherited by offspring as a springboard in life. 

I have never been in the presence of a King, but I have been in the presence of those that wield power. It’s both daunting and attractive. Human beings have a natural desire to be led, and a natural attraction to power. The king’s eyes see far and wide, what with spies in every part of the land. A righteous King will sieve out evil long before it gets to him 

All men have fallen short, far short of God's glory, but he promises mercy as we struggle with a cycle of repentance and sin. 

Bourgeois - Joseph recognised by his brothers

Bourgeois - Joseph recognised by his brothers

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On liars and cheats Proverbs 20:10-12

Diverse weights and measures are a reference to the trading world; traders profit from ignorance and conmanship. Our Lord calls it an ABOMINATION. It’s a strong condemnation. Diverse weights and measures apply to all of commerce. If you take unjustly from a customer, this applies to you. Examples include a Stock trader’s wrong advice and inflated commissions; Contractors using poor quality materials; A butcher that falsifies weights and so on. As for character, even children can be gauged based on action and speech. 

On Seeking knowledge Proverbs 20:13-15

Stay away from the slothful, they may infect you. They will always be at your door soliciting sustenance. Stay away from them. 

Let your search for knowledge be constant, never relent. Turn to the commandments and understand them. Seek a deeper understanding of each of the commandments, there is a great amount of literature on them. Familiarize yourself with it. Don’t doubt the wisdom of the ages. Simply practice, and the truth will become self-evident. 

On inviting grief in your life Proverbs 20:16-21 

Never give a guarantee to anyone. Don’t invite grief to yourself, even from offspring. The toil of many years can go up in flames in a single day, and you find yourself destitute. Look for another way to offer assistance, but guarantee nothing. 

I like the words because they assume a conscience in the guilty party. If you have done this, pray to the almighty for mercy, and demonstrate your remorsefulness by never doing it again. As for those with hardened or calloused consciences, their lot is between them and their maker. 

In all that you do, seek the counsel of the wise. Who is wise? He has developed an insatiable desire to follow the Lord's precepts. 

Thought leads to character, which leads to speech, which leads to action. Listen and observe. All this is useless if you have no point of reference. Your point of reference is the commandments and a fear of the most high. 

The fourth commandment comes with a promise of a blessed and successful life. It is the first of the commandments to a neighbour, it cannot be overemphasized. If you have vitriol for your parents, for any reason, say nothing, pray on it, but don’t you dare curse them. What are you without the life they gave you? 

Need we go further than the parable of the prodigal son? 

On being prudent and wise Proverbs 20:22-25

This takes us to the beatitude of meekness and humility. Do not take the law into your own hands even if you are capable of doing so. Subject yourself to the Lord and the relevant authorities to obtain justice. 

Any kind of conmanship and all lies disguised as the truth is an abomination to the most high. 

A man’s life can have many outcomes, but the Lord in his mercy guides him to what is best. We do have free will and can thus ignore any impulses to the light, but the Lord always guides us. 

Making a vow to God is not something to be trifled with. In our society, this reverence for matters holy is not as profound as it was in the ancient world. Even the name of God was never to be uttered aloud, except in a synagogue, and only by the high priest. We may have become more casual today, but the mystery and might if the heavenly has not changed. Let us not treat casually what we do not completely understand. 

Judith beheads Holofernes

Judith beheads Holofernes

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On what's in the heart Proverbs 20:26-28

A king’s ability to reach out to his subjects should not be underestimated. He has eyes and ears everywhere. A righteous king will winnow out all who plot against him. 

In our Christian tradition, it is the soul that animates the body. It is a part of the most high, and thus guides us to him. Sin leads to callousness, and we ignore the souls calling. Keep sin at bay, and you will act on the yearnings of the soul. 

I find those who wield power fascinating. For Kings, people simply accept the authority from one to the next. For republics, voting is done and people ascend to power. This is directed by God but driven by people. In the presence of power, flesh, and blood like you and I, we cower in fear, others curtsy, and bow; all to flesh and blood like you and I. There is a mystery around this, looked at objectively. The people that rule are as you and I, so why do we revere them? It must be wisdom. One cannot rule without a band of wise supporters; springboards to bounce thoughts and ideas off. No man can rule alone, for the thought of all that power, can easily introduce doubt, as to why people oblige. It is a matter of wisdom and to me a great mystery at the heart of our very existence. As for righteousness in the King or President, nothing establishes power so firmly. A population that sees justice served, and has full bellies, will keep you in power for as long as you desire. If the people want you to remain, you will; and their will is a reflection of wisdom. 

On righteousness and justice Proverbs 20:29-21:3

The meaning is clear. Strive however to inculcate wisdom into the young. Imagine youth and wisdom together, how very potent. Please understand that book smarts are one thing, that schools and universities give us. Wisdom however requires first a personal touch, aimed at teaching younger minds useful habits, then hopefully they will fly on their own thereafter. Frankly, wisdom can be learned at any time in one’s life and is meant to be a lifelong activity. 

This is a reference to sparing the rod and spoiling the child. Unfortunately, while the saying does have much truth, there has also been much abuse around it. I take the view that beyond the age of reason, say 9 or 10 years of age, any form of corporal punishment should stop. It is better to reason with children from an early age, and in the process help them with cognitive development. True love is recognized for what it is and makes children responsive. This is just my idea, am no child psychologist, but for what it’s worth, I use the same ideas on my children. 

If you have power and wealth, know that it is the Lord that gives it to you. Reflect on this at all times lest you become puffed up with pride. 

Is there anything that can be hidden from the Lord, he who looks into the deepest recesses of our hearts? 

Your conduct in life, revering your maker and adhering to the commandments, solicits favour from wisdom. Alms and sacrifices of every kind are good to give, but righteous living is even better.

We continue  in the next post 
